Units plugin for Craft CMS 5.x
Units is a plugin that can convert between any units of measure, and comes with a Field for content authors to use.
This plugin requires Craft CMS 5.0.0 or later.
To install the plugin, follow these instructions.
Open your terminal and go to your Craft project:
cd /path/to/project
Then tell Composer to load the plugin:
composer require nystudio107/craft-units
Install the plugin via
./craft install/plugin units
via the CLI, or in the Control Panel, go to Settings → Plugins and click the “Install” button for Units.
You can also install Units via the Plugin Store in the Craft Control Panel.
Units Overview
Units is a plugin that can convert between any units of measure, and comes with a Field for content authors to use.
You can convert from meters to feet, or liters to gallons, and anything else in between.
It also has helper functions to output values as fractions, get the parts of a value, and a whole lot more.
Configuring Units
You don’t have to do any configuration to use Units, but there are Settings available that allow you to set the default values to use for new Units fields, should you wish to do so:
These settings only affect newly created Units fields.
Using Units
The Units Field
Units comes with a Field named Units that allows you to make a field available to content authors that encapsulates a unit of measure:
This field is essentially a Craft CMS Number field, but with additional logic to handle units of measure.
- Measure Type - The type of physical quantity that this Units field represents (Length, Area, Volume, etc.)
- Default Value - The default value to set for this field
- Defaults Units - The default units to set for this field (foot, meter, mile, etc.)
- Units Changeable - Whether the content author should be able to change the units when editing the field value in an Entry
- Min Value - The minimum allowed value for the field, denominated in Default Units
- Max Value - The maximum allowed value for the field, denominated in Default Units
- Decimal Points - How many decimal points the value for the field should use
- Size - The size of the field, roughly the number of digits wide the field should be
If the Units Changeable lightswitch is off, the field will appear like this:
If the Units Changeable lightswitch is on, the field will appear like this:
If the content author does change the units the field is denominated in, Units will normalize the value to ensure that it’s compared against the Defaults Units that the Min Value and Max Value are set to.
Creating a Unit of Measure
To create a new unit of measure, you do:
{% set unitOfMeasure = craft.units.length(10.0, 'meters') %}
The string after the craft.units.
determines the type of physical quantity for the unit of measure. The first parameter is the value to assign to the unit of measure, and the second parameter is the unit that it’s denominated in.
The following physical quantities are available:
- Acceleration -
{% set unitOfMeasure = craft.units.acceleration(10.0, 'm/s²') %}
- Angle -
{% set unitOfMeasure = craft.units.angle(10.0, 'radian') %}
- Area -
{% set unitOfMeasure = craft.units.area(10.0, 'm²') %}
- ElectricCurrent -
{% set unitOfMeasure = craft.units.electricCurrent(10.0, 'amp') %}
- Energy -
{% set unitOfMeasure = craft.units.energy(10.0, 'joule') %}
- Length -
{% set unitOfMeasure = craft.units.length(10.0, 'meter') %}
- Luminosity -
{% set unitOfMeasure = craft.units.luminosity(10.0, 'candela') %}
- Mass -
{% set unitOfMeasure = craft.units.mass(10.0, 'kilogram') %}
- Pressure -
{% set unitOfMeasure = craft.units.pressure(10.0, 'pascal') %}
- Quantity -
{% set unitOfMeasure = craft.units.quantity(10.0, 'mole') %}
- SolidAngle -
{% set unitOfMeasure = craft.units.solidAngle(10.0, 'steradian') %}
- Temperature -
{% set unitOfMeasure = craft.units.temperature(10.0, '°K') %}
- Time -
{% set unitOfMeasure = craft.units.time(10.0, 'sec') %}
- Velocity -
{% set unitOfMeasure = craft.units.velocity(10.0, 'meters/sec') %}
- Volume -
{% set unitOfMeasure = craft.units.volume(10.0, 'm³') %}
N.B.: For a complete list of all of the available units (and their aliases) for each physical quantity, see the Units Reference section.
Getting a Unit of Measure from a Field
To get a unit of measure from a field, simply do:
{% set unitOfMeasure = entry.someUnit %}
This gives you the unit of measure just as if you had created it via Twig.
Using Unit of Measure in your Templates
Outputting Values in Decimal
To output a unit of measure as a decimal value along with its units, simply do:
{% set unitOfMeasure = craft.units.length(10.0, 'meters') %}
{{ unitOfMeasure }}
...or from an Entry:
{{ entry.someUnit }}
10.0 meters
To output just the decimal value:
{% set unitOfMeasure = craft.units.length(10.0, 'meters') %}
{{ unitOfMeasure.value }}
...or from an Entry:
{{ entry.someUnit.value }}
To output just the units:
{% set unitOfMeasure = craft.units.length(10.0, 'meters') %}
{{ unitOfMeasure.units }}
...or from an Entry:
{{ entry.someUnit.units }}
Outputting Values as Fractions
To output a unit of measure as a fractional value along with its units, simply do:
{% set unitOfMeasure = craft.units.length(10.3333333, 'feet') %}
{{ unitOfMeasure.toFraction }}
...or from an Entry:
{{ entry.someUnit.toFraction }}
10 1/3 feet
To output just the fractional value:
{% set unitOfMeasure = craft.units.length(10.3333333, 'feet') %}
{{ unitOfMeasure.valueFraction }}
...or from an Entry:
{{ entry.someUnit.valueFraction }}
10 1/3
N.B.: if you’d like to convert the text of the fractions to actual unicode fraction characters, you can use the Typogrify plugin to do that for you.
Converting Values in Decimal
To convert values in decimal from one unit to another, simply do:
{% set unitOfMeasure = craft.units.length(10.0, 'meters') %}
{{ unitOfMeasure.toUnit('feet') }}
...or from an Entry:
{{ entry.someUnit.toUnit('feet') }}
N.B.: For a complete list of all of the available units (and their aliases) for each physical quantity, see the Units Reference section.
Converting Values as Fractions
To convert values as fractions from one unit to another, simply do:
{% set unitOfMeasure = craft.units.length(10.15999998984, 'meters') %}
{{ unitOfMeasure.toUnitFraction('feet') }}
...or from an Entry:
{{ entry.someUnit.toUnitFraction('feet') }}
33 1/3
N.B.: if you’d like to convert the text of the fractions to actual unicode fraction characters, you can use the Typogrify plugin to do that for you.
N.B.: For a complete list of all of the available units (and their aliases) for each physical quantity, see the Units Reference section.
Performing Arithmetic on Units of Measure
Units allows you to perform arithmetic on units of measure that are denominated in different units.
Adding Units of Measure
Two add two units of measure together, simply do:
{% set someMeters = craft.units.length(10.0, 'meters') %}
{% set someFeet = craft.units.length(10.0, 'feet') %}
{% set result = someMeters.add(someFeet) %}
{{ result }}
13.048 m
The result
that is returned is a full units of measure object that you can do result.value
, result.units
, etc. on just like any other unit of measure.
Note that the units of the result
are denominated in the unit of measure that is performing the addition.
Subtracting Units of Measure
Two add two units of measure together, simply do:
{% set someMeters = craft.units.length(10.0, 'meters') %}
{% set someFeet = craft.units.length(10.0, 'feet') %}
{% set result = someMeters.subtract(someFeet) %}
{{ result }}
6.952 m
The result
that is returned is a full units of measure object that you can do result.value
, result.units
, etc. on just like any other unit of measure.
Note that the units of the result
are denominated in the unit of measure that is performing the subtraction.
Advanced Usage
Getting Value Parts in Decimal
To get the whole number and decimal part of a unit value, simply do:
{% set unitOfMeasure = craft.units.length(10.3333333, 'meters') %}
{% set unitParts = unitOfMeasure.valueParts() %}
{{ unitParts[0] }}
{{ unitParts[1] }}
Getting Value Parts as Fractions
To get the whole number and fractional part of a unit value, simply do:
{% set unitOfMeasure = craft.units.length(10.3333333, 'meters') %}
{% set unitParts = unitOfMeasure.valuePartsFraction() %}
{{ unitParts[0] }}
{{ unitParts[1] }}
N.B.: if you’d like to convert the text of the fractions to actual unicode fraction characters, you can use the Typogrify plugin to do that for you.
Getting Available Units
To get an array of all of the units available for a given units of measure, simply do:
{% set unitOfMeasure = craft.units.length(10.3333333, 'meters') %}
{% set availableUnits = unitOfMeasure.availableUnits(false) %}
{% for unit in availableUnits %}
{{ unit }}
{% endfor %}
nautical mile
The false
parameter causes it to just list the units, and none of their aliases. To see the available units and their aliases, do:
{% set unitOfMeasure = craft.units.length(10.3333333, 'meters') %}
{% set availableUnits = unitOfMeasure.availableUnits(true) %}
{% for unit,aliases in availableUnits %}
{{ unit }}
{% endfor %}
In this loop, aliases
will be an array of aliases for a given unit (if any).
GraphQL Interface
You can use GraphQL to query Units fields, with an API analogous to the Twig API. In the example below, someUnits
is the field handle to a Units field:
entries(section: "homepage") {
... on homepage_Entry {
someUnits {
toUnit(unit: "m")
toUnitFraction(unit: "m")
...will return:
"data": {
"entries": [
"someUnits": {
"value": "12.5",
"units": "ft",
"toString": "12.5 ft",
"toUnit": "3.81",
"toFraction": "12 1/2 ft",
"toUnitFraction": "3 81/100",
"getValueFraction": "12 1/2"
Units Reference
Units uses the PHP Units of Measure library, so it offers quite a bit of flexibility.
Below is a list of all of the types of physical quantity measures that Units supports, and a list of all of the units that can be used for each physical quantity.
The first item in the units list is the unit itself, and any sub-list items are aliases for that unit. For instance, craft.units.length(10, 'meters')
is the same as craft.units.length(10, 'm')
- m/s^2
- m/s²
- meter per second squared
- meters per second squared
- metre per second squared
- metres per second squared
- rad
- radian
- radians
- Yrad
- yottaradian
- yottaradians
- Zrad
- zettaradian
- zettaradians
- Erad
- exaradian
- exaradians
- Prad
- petaradian
- petaradians
- Trad
- teraradian
- teraradians
- Grad
- gigaradian
- gigaradians
- Mrad
- megaradian
- megaradians
- krad
- kiloradian
- kiloradians
- hrad
- hectoradian
- hectoradians
- darad
- decaradian
- decaradians
- drad
- deciradian
- deciradians
- crad
- centiradian
- centiradians
- mrad
- milliradian
- milliradians
- µrad
- microradian
- microradians
- nrad
- nanoradian
- nanoradians
- prad
- picoradian
- picoradians
- frad
- femtoradian
- femtoradians
- arad
- attoradian
- attoradians
- zrad
- zeptoradian
- zeptoradians
- yrad
- yoctoradian
- yoctoradians
- deg
- °
- degree
- degrees
- Ydeg
- yottadegree
- yottadegrees
- Zdeg
- zettadegree
- zettadegrees
- Edeg
- exadegree
- exadegrees
- Pdeg
- petadegree
- petadegrees
- Tdeg
- teradegree
- teradegrees
- Gdeg
- gigadegree
- gigadegrees
- Mdeg
- megadegree
- megadegrees
- kdeg
- kilodegree
- kilodegrees
- hdeg
- hectodegree
- hectodegrees
- dadeg
- decadegree
- decadegrees
- ddeg
- decidegree
- decidegrees
- cdeg
- centidegree
- centidegrees
- mdeg
- millidegree
- millidegrees
- µdeg
- microdegree
- microdegrees
- ndeg
- nanodegree
- nanodegrees
- pdeg
- picodegree
- picodegrees
- fdeg
- femtodegree
- femtodegrees
- adeg
- attodegree
- attodegrees
- zdeg
- zeptodegree
- zeptodegrees
- ydeg
- yoctodegree
- yoctodegrees
- arcmin
- ′
- arcminute
- arcminutes
- amin
- am
- arcsecond
- arcseconds
- arcsec
- ″
- asec
- as
- yottaarcsec
- yottaarcsecond
- yottaarcseconds
- Yasec
- Yas
- zettaarcsec
- zettaarcsecond
- zettaarcseconds
- Zasec
- Zas
- exaarcsec
- exaarcsecond
- exaarcseconds
- Easec
- Eas
- petaarcsec
- petaarcsecond
- petaarcseconds
- Pasec
- Pas
- teraarcsec
- teraarcsecond
- teraarcseconds
- Tasec
- Tas
- gigaarcsec
- gigaarcsecond
- gigaarcseconds
- Gasec
- Gas
- megaarcsec
- megaarcsecond
- megaarcseconds
- Masec
- Mas
- kiloarcsec
- kiloarcsecond
- kiloarcseconds
- kasec
- kas
- hectoarcsec
- hectoarcsecond
- hectoarcseconds
- hasec
- has
- decaarcsec
- decaarcsecond
- decaarcseconds
- daasec
- daas
- deciarcsec
- deciarcsecond
- deciarcseconds
- dasec
- das
- centiarcsec
- centiarcsecond
- centiarcseconds
- casec
- cas
- milliarcsec
- milliarcsecond
- milliarcseconds
- masec
- mas
- microarcsec
- microarcsecond
- microarcseconds
- µasec
- µas
- nanoarcsec
- nanoarcsecond
- nanoarcseconds
- nasec
- nas
- picoarcsec
- picoarcsecond
- picoarcseconds
- pasec
- pas
- femtoarcsec
- femtoarcsecond
- femtoarcseconds
- fasec
- fas
- attoarcsec
- attoarcsecond
- attoarcseconds
- aasec
- aas
- zeptoarcsec
- zeptoarcsecond
- zeptoarcseconds
- zasec
- zas
- yoctoarcsec
- yoctoarcsecond
- yoctoarcseconds
- yasec
- yas
- m^2
- m²
- meter squared
- square meter
- square meters
- meters squared
- metre squared
- metres squared
- mm^2
- mm²
- millimeter squared
- square millimeter
- square millimeters
- millimeters squared
- millimetre squared
- millimetres squared
- cm^2
- cm²
- centimeter squared
- square centimeter
- square centimeters
- centimeters squared
- centimetre squared
- centimetres squared
- dm^2
- dm²
- decimeter squared
- square decimeters
- square decimeter
- decimeters squared
- decimetre squared
- decimetres squared
- km^2
- km²
- kilometer squared
- kilometers squared
- square kilometer
- square kilometers
- kilometre squared
- kilometres squared
- ft^2
- ft²
- foot squared
- square foot
- square feet
- feet squared
- in^2
- in²
- inch squared
- square inch
- square inches
- inches squared
- mi^2
- mi²
- mile squared
- miles squared
- square mile
- square miles
- yd^2
- yd²
- yard squared
- yards squared
- square yard
- square yards
- a
- are
- ares
- daa
- decare
- decares
- ha
- hectare
- hectares
- ac
- acre
- acres
- A
- amp
- amps
- ampere
- amperes
- YA
- yottaamp
- yottaamps
- yottaampere
- yottaamperes
- ZA
- zettaamp
- zettaamps
- zettaampere
- zettaamperes
- EA
- exaamp
- exaamps
- exaampere
- exaamperes
- PA
- petaamp
- petaamps
- petaampere
- petaamperes
- TA
- teraamp
- teraamps
- teraampere
- teraamperes
- GA
- gigaamp
- gigaamps
- gigaampere
- gigaamperes
- MA
- megaamp
- megaamps
- megaampere
- megaamperes
- kA
- kiloamp
- kiloamps
- kiloampere
- kiloamperes
- hA
- hectoamp
- hectoamps
- hectoampere
- hectoamperes
- daA
- decaamp
- decaamps
- decaampere
- decaamperes
- dA
- deciamp
- deciamps
- deciampere
- deciamperes
- cA
- centiamp
- centiamps
- centiampere
- centiamperes
- mA
- milliamp
- milliamps
- milliampere
- milliamperes
- µA
- microamp
- microamps
- microampere
- microamperes
- nA
- nanoamp
- nanoamps
- nanoampere
- nanoamperes
- pA
- picoamp
- picoamps
- picoampere
- picoamperes
- fA
- femtoamp
- femtoamps
- femtoampere
- femtoamperes
- aA
- attoamp
- attoamps
- attoampere
- attoamperes
- zA
- zeptoamp
- zeptoamps
- zeptoampere
- zeptoamperes
- yA
- yoctoamp
- yoctoamps
- yoctoampere
- yoctoamperes
- J
- joule
- joules
- YJ
- yottajoule
- yottajoules
- ZJ
- zettajoule
- zettajoules
- EJ
- exajoule
- exajoules
- PJ
- petajoule
- petajoules
- TJ
- terajoule
- terajoules
- GJ
- gigajoule
- gigajoules
- MJ
- megajoule
- megajoules
- kJ
- kilojoule
- kilojoules
- hJ
- hectojoule
- hectojoules
- daJ
- decajoule
- decajoules
- dJ
- decijoule
- decijoules
- cJ
- centijoule
- centijoules
- mJ
- millijoule
- millijoules
- µJ
- microjoule
- microjoules
- nJ
- nanojoule
- nanojoules
- pJ
- picojoule
- picojoules
- fJ
- femtojoule
- femtojoules
- aJ
- attojoule
- attojoules
- zJ
- zeptojoule
- zeptojoules
- yJ
- yoctojoule
- yoctojoules
- Wh
- watt hour
- watt hours
- YWh
- yottawatt hour
- yottawatt hours
- ZWh
- zettawatt hour
- zettawatt hours
- EWh
- exawatt hour
- exawatt hours
- PWh
- petawatt hour
- petawatt hours
- TWh
- terawatt hour
- terawatt hours
- GWh
- gigawatt hour
- gigawatt hours
- MWh
- megawatt hour
- megawatt hours
- kWh
- kilowatt hour
- kilowatt hours
- hWh
- hectowatt hour
- hectowatt hours
- daWh
- decawatt hour
- decawatt hours
- dWh
- deciwatt hour
- deciwatt hours
- cWh
- centiwatt hour
- centiwatt hours
- mWh
- milliwatt hour
- milliwatt hours
- µWh
- microwatt hour
- microwatt hours
- nWh
- nanowatt hour
- nanowatt hours
- pWh
- picowatt hour
- picowatt hours
- fWh
- femtowatt hour
- femtowatt hours
- aWh
- attowatt hour
- attowatt hours
- zWh
- zeptowatt hour
- zeptowatt hours
- yWh
- yoctowatt hour
- yoctowatt hours
- m
- meter
- meters
- metre
- metres
- Ym
- yottameter
- yottameters
- yottametre
- yottametres
- Zm
- zettameter
- zettameters
- zettametre
- zettametres
- Em
- exameter
- exameters
- exametre
- exametres
- Pm
- petameter
- petameters
- petametre
- petametres
- Tm
- terameter
- terameters
- terametre
- terametres
- Gm
- gigameter
- gigameters
- gigametre
- gigametres
- Mm
- megameter
- megameters
- megametre
- megametres
- km
- kilometer
- kilometers
- kilometre
- kilometres
- hm
- hectometer
- hectometers
- hectometre
- hectometres
- dam
- decameter
- decameters
- decametre
- decametres
- dm
- decimeter
- decimeters
- decimetre
- decimetres
- cm
- centimeter
- centimeters
- centimetre
- centimetres
- mm
- millimeter
- millimeters
- millimetre
- millimetres
- µm
- micrometer
- micrometers
- micrometre
- micrometres
- nm
- nanometer
- nanometers
- nanometre
- nanometres
- pm
- picometer
- picometers
- picometre
- picometres
- fm
- femtometer
- femtometers
- femtometre
- femtometres
- am
- attometer
- attometers
- attometre
- attometres
- zm
- zeptometer
- zeptometers
- zeptometre
- zeptometres
- ym
- yoctometer
- yoctometers
- yoctometre
- yoctometres
- ft
- foot
- feet
- in
- inch
- inches
- mi
- mile
- miles
- yd
- yard
- yards
- M
- nautical mile
- nautical miles
- nmi
- NM
- mil
- AU
- au
- astronomical unit
- astronomical units
- cd
- candela
- Ycd
- yottacandela
- Zcd
- zettacandela
- Ecd
- exacandela
- Pcd
- petacandela
- Tcd
- teracandela
- Gcd
- gigacandela
- Mcd
- megacandela
- kcd
- kilocandela
- hcd
- hectocandela
- dacd
- decacandela
- dcd
- decicandela
- ccd
- centicandela
- mcd
- millicandela
- µcd
- microcandela
- ncd
- nanocandela
- pcd
- picocandela
- fcd
- femtocandela
- acd
- attocandela
- zcd
- zeptocandela
- ycd
- yoctocandela
- kg
- kilogram
- kilograms
- Yg
- yottagram
- yottagrams
- Zg
- zettagram
- zettagrams
- For example
- exagram
- exagrams
- Pg
- petagram
- petagrams
- Tg
- teragram
- teragrams
- Gg
- gigagram
- gigagrams
- Mg
- megagram
- megagrams
- hg
- hectogram
- hectograms
- dag
- decagram
- decagrams
- g
- gram
- grams
- dg
- decigram
- decigrams
- cg
- centigram
- centigrams
- mg
- milligram
- milligrams
- µg
- microgram
- micrograms
- ng
- nanogram
- nanograms
- pg
- picogram
- picograms
- fg
- femtogram
- femtograms
- ag
- attogram
- attograms
- zg
- zeptogram
- zeptograms
- yg
- yoctogram
- yoctograms
- t
- ton
- tons
- tonne
- tonnes
- lb
- lbs
- pound
- pounds
- oz
- ounce
- ounces
- st
- stone
- stones
- Pa
- pascal
- YPa
- yottapascal
- ZPa
- zettapascal
- EPa
- exapascal
- PPa
- petapascal
- TPa
- terapascal
- GPa
- gigapascal
- MPa
- megapascal
- kPa
- kilopascal
- hPa
- hectopascal
- daPa
- decapascal
- dPa
- decipascal
- cPa
- centipascal
- mPa
- millipascal
- µPa
- micropascal
- nPa
- nanopascal
- pPa
- picopascal
- fPa
- femtopascal
- aPa
- attopascal
- zPa
- zeptopascal
- yPa
- yoctopascal
- atm
- atmosphere
- atmospheres
- bar
- Ybar
- Zbar
- Ebar
- Pbar
- Tbar
- Gbar
- Mbar
- kbar
- hbar
- dabar
- dbar
- cbar
- mbar
- µbar
- nbar
- pbar
- fbar
- abar
- zbar
- ybar
- inHg
- inches of mercury
- mmHg
- millimeters of mercury
- millimetres of mercury
- torr
- psi
- pounds per square inch
- mol
- mole
- moles
- Ymol
- yottamole
- yottamoles
- Zmol
- zettamole
- zettamoles
- Emol
- examole
- examoles
- Pmol
- petamole
- petamoles
- Tmol
- teramole
- teramoles
- Gmol
- gigamole
- gigamoles
- Mmol
- megamole
- megamoles
- kmol
- kilomole
- kilomoles
- hmol
- hectomole
- hectomoles
- damol
- decamole
- decamoles
- dmol
- decimole
- decimoles
- cmol
- centimole
- centimoles
- mmol
- millimole
- millimoles
- µmol
- micromole
- micromoles
- nmol
- nanomole
- nanomoles
- pmol
- picomole
- picomoles
- fmol
- femtomole
- femtomoles
- amol
- attomole
- attomoles
- zmol
- zeptomole
- zeptomoles
- ymol
- yoctomole
- yoctomoles
- sr
- steradian
- steradians
- Ysr
- yottasteradian
- yottasteradians
- Zsr
- zettasteradian
- zettasteradians
- Esr
- exasteradian
- exasteradians
- Psr
- petasteradian
- petasteradians
- Tsr
- terasteradian
- terasteradians
- Gsr
- gigasteradian
- gigasteradians
- Msr
- megasteradian
- megasteradians
- ksr
- kilosteradian
- kilosteradians
- hsr
- hectosteradian
- hectosteradians
- dasr
- decasteradian
- decasteradians
- dsr
- decisteradian
- decisteradians
- csr
- centisteradian
- centisteradians
- msr
- millisteradian
- millisteradians
- µsr
- microsteradian
- microsteradians
- nsr
- nanosteradian
- nanosteradians
- psr
- picosteradian
- picosteradians
- fsr
- femtosteradian
- femtosteradians
- asr
- attosteradian
- attosteradians
- zsr
- zeptosteradian
- zeptosteradians
- ysr
- yoctosteradian
- yoctosteradians
- K
- °K
- kelvin
- YK
- yottakelvin
- ZK
- zettakelvin
- EK
- exakelvin
- PK
- petakelvin
- TK
- terakelvin
- GK
- gigakelvin
- MK
- megakelvin
- kK
- kilokelvin
- hK
- hectokelvin
- daK
- decakelvin
- dK
- decikelvin
- cK
- centikelvin
- mK
- millikelvin
- µK
- microkelvin
- nK
- nanokelvin
- pK
- picokelvin
- fK
- femtokelvin
- aK
- attokelvin
- zK
- zeptokelvin
- yK
- yoctokelvin
- °C
- C
- celsius
- °F
- F
- fahrenheit
- °R
- R
- rankine
- °De
- De
- delisle
- °N
- N
- newton
- °Ré
- °Re
- Ré
- Re
- réaumur
- reaumur
- °Rø
- °Ro
- Rø
- Ro
- rømer
- romer
- s
- sec
- secs
- second
- seconds
- Ys
- yottasec
- yottasecs
- yottasecond
- yottaseconds
- Zs
- zettasec
- zettasecs
- zettasecond
- zettaseconds
- Es
- exasec
- exasecs
- exasecond
- exaseconds
- Ps
- petasec
- petasecs
- petasecond
- petaseconds
- Ts
- terasec
- terasecs
- terasecond
- teraseconds
- Gs
- gigasec
- gigasecs
- gigasecond
- gigaseconds
- Ms
- megasec
- megasecs
- megasecond
- megaseconds
- ks
- kilosec
- kilosecs
- kilosecond
- kiloseconds
- hs
- hectosec
- hectosecs
- hectosecond
- hectoseconds
- das
- decasec
- decasecs
- decasecond
- decaseconds
- ds
- decisec
- decisecs
- decisecond
- deciseconds
- cs
- centisec
- centisecs
- centisecond
- centiseconds
- ms
- millisec
- millisecs
- millisecond
- milliseconds
- µs
- microsec
- microsecs
- microsecond
- microseconds
- ns
- nanosec
- nanosecs
- nanosecond
- nanoseconds
- ps
- picosec
- picosecs
- picosecond
- picoseconds
- fs
- femtosec
- femtosecs
- femtosecond
- femtoseconds
- as
- attosec
- attosecs
- attosecond
- attoseconds
- zs
- zeptosec
- zeptosecs
- zeptosecond
- zeptoseconds
- ys
- yoctosec
- yoctosecs
- yoctosecond
- yoctoseconds
- m
- min
- mins
- minute
- minutes
- h
- hr
- hrs
- hour
- hours
- d
- day
- days
- w
- wk
- wks
- week
- weeks
- yr
- year
- years
- gregorian year
- gregorian years
- decade
- decades
- century
- centuries
- millennium
- millennia
- jyr
- julian year
- julian years
- m/s
- meters/sec
- meters per second
- meter per second
- metres per second
- metre per second
- km/h
- km/hour
- kilometer per hour
- kilometers per hour
- kilometre per hour
- kilometres per hour
- ft/s
- feet/sec
- feet per second
- mph
- miles/hour
- miles per hour
- knot
- knots
- m^3
- m³
- cubic meter
- cubic meters
- cubic metre
- cubic metres
- mm^3
- mm³
- cubic millimeter
- cubic millimeters
- cubic millimetre
- cubic millimetres
- cm^3
- cm³
- cubic centimeter
- cubic centimeters
- cubic centimetre
- cubic centimetres
- dm^3
- dm³
- cubic decimeter
- cubic decimeters
- cubic decimetre
- cubic decimetres
- km^3
- km³
- cubic kilometer
- cubic kilometers
- cubic kilometre
- cubic kilometres
- ft^3
- ft³
- cubic foot
- cubic feet
- in^3
- in³
- cubic inch
- cubic inches
- yd^3
- yd³
- cubic yard
- cubic yards
- ml
- milliliter
- milliliters
- millilitre
- millilitres
- cl
- centiliter
- centiliters
- centilitre
- centilitres
- dl
- deciliter
- deciliters
- decilitre
- decilitres
- l
- liter
- liters
- litre
- litres
- dal
- decaliter
- decaliters
- decalitre
- decalitres
- hl
- hectoliter
- hectoliters
- hectolitre
- hectolitres
- cup
- cup
- cups
- tsp
- teaspoon
- teaspoons
- tbsp
- tablespoon
- tablespoons
- gal
- gallon
- gallons
- us gal
- qt
- quart
- quarts
- qts
- liq qt
- fl oz
- fluid ounce
- fluid ounces
- fluid oz
- fl. oz.
- oz. fl.
- pt
- pint
- pints
- liq pt
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