Code Field

A Code field editor

Pro­vides a Code Field that has a full-fea­tured code edi­tor with syn­tax high­light­ing & autocomplete

Code field javascript autocomplete

Link A Code field type

Code Field is a Craft CMS field type that uses the craft-code-edi­tor pack­age to pro­vide a mod­ern code edi­tor for con­tent authors.

Code Field uses the Mona­co edi­tor that lever­ages the same core code that the pop­u­lar VS Code edi­tor uses.

Link Themes & Code

That means it pro­vides code high­light­ing, syn­tax check­ing, and auto­com­ple­tion for over 80 languages.

It also has light, dark, and high con­trast themes that can be cho­sen on a per-field basis.

Code field css picker
Code field settings

Link Options Galore

It also sports as a vari­ety of edi­tor options such as font size, line num­bers, code fold­ing, and more.