Link Intelligent Redirects
In addition to supporting traditional exact and RegEx matching of URL patterns, Retour allows you to have dynamic redirects that have access to the data in your entries when matching URL patterns.
Retour offers true multi-site capability, allowing you to have redirects that affect only certain sites, as well as all sites. Retour will also automatically create a redirect for you if you change an entry’s slug, or move an entry around in a Structure.

Link Short Links
Short Links are a way to create a short link or alias to an Entry, so the link is easier to type or remember.
They are redirects under the hood, but are presented in a simplified interface to make it easier for content authors to work with.
Link Easy Import & Export
Retour allows you to import redirects from any CSV file, using a easy to use UI so you can map the fields appropriately. Similarly, Retour allows you to easily export all of your redirects to a CSV file, completing the round-trip.
Retour also can export all of the 404 statistics that it has dutifully recorded, to allow for external auditing.

Link Performant and Feature-full
Unlike other redirect plugins or utilizing .htaccess to do redirects, Retour does not add overhead to each request for each redirect you have in place.
Retour is written to be performant. There is no impact on your website’s performance until a 404 exception happens; and even then the resulting matching happens with minimal impact.
Retour allows you to intelligently redirect legacy URLs, so that you don’t lose SEO value when rebuilding & restructuring a website.
Don’t just rebuild a website. Transition it with Retour.