
Intel­li­gent 404 redi­rect handling

Retour allows you to intel­li­gent­ly redi­rect lega­cy URLs, so that you don’t lose SEO val­ue when rebuild­ing & restruc­tur­ing a website

Retour dashboard redirects2

Link Intelligent Redirects

In addi­tion to sup­port­ing tra­di­tion­al exact and RegEx match­ing of URL pat­terns, Retour allows you to have dynam­ic redi­rects that have access to the data in your entries when match­ing URL patterns.

Retour offers true mul­ti-site capa­bil­i­ty, allow­ing you to have redi­rects that affect only cer­tain sites, as well as all sites. Retour will also auto­mat­i­cal­ly cre­ate a redi­rect for you if you change an entry’s slug, or move an entry around in a Structure.

Retour redirects
Retour shortlink field

Link Short Links

Short Links are a way to cre­ate a short link or alias to an Entry, so the link is eas­i­er to type or remember.

They are redi­rects under the hood, but are pre­sent­ed in a sim­pli­fied inter­face to make it eas­i­er for con­tent authors to work with.

Link Easy Import & Export

Retour allows you to import redi­rects from any CSV file, using a easy to use UI so you can map the fields appro­pri­ate­ly. Sim­i­lar­ly, Retour allows you to eas­i­ly export all of your redi­rects to a CSV file, com­plet­ing the round-trip.

Retour also can export all of the 404 sta­tis­tics that it has duti­ful­ly record­ed, to allow for exter­nal auditing.

Retour import csv
Retour widget

Link Performant and Feature-full

Unlike oth­er redi­rect plu­g­ins or uti­liz­ing .htaccess to do redi­rects, Retour does not add over­head to each request for each redi­rect you have in place.

Retour is writ­ten to be per­for­mant. There is no impact on your web­site’s per­for­mance until a 404 excep­tion hap­pens; and even then the result­ing match­ing hap­pens with min­i­mal impact.

Retour allows you to intel­li­gent­ly redi­rect lega­cy URLs, so that you don’t lose SEO val­ue when rebuild­ing & restruc­tur­ing a website.

Don’t just rebuild a web­site. Tran­si­tion it with Retour.

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