
SEO done right

SEO­mat­ic facil­i­tates mod­ern SEO best prac­tices & imple­men­ta­tion for Craft CMS 3 & 4. It is a turnkey SEO sys­tem that is com­pre­hen­sive, pow­er­ful, and flexible.

Link SEO Done Right

SEO­mat­ic allows you to quick­ly get a web­site up and run­ning with a robust, com­pre­hen­sive SEO strat­e­gy. It is also imple­ment­ed in a Craft‑y way, in that it is also flex­i­ble and customizable.

It imple­ments JSON-LD micro­da­ta, Twit­ter Cards tags, Face­book Open­Graph tags, Sitemaps of your con­tent, Robots.txt bot direc­tives, Humans.txt author­ship accred­i­ta­tion, and as well as HTML meta tags.

Link Automatic Metadata

SEO­mat­ic pop­u­lates your tem­plates with SEO Meta in the same way that Craft pop­u­lates your tem­plates with entry vari­ables, with a sim­i­lar lev­el of free­dom and flex­i­bil­i­ty in terms of how you uti­lize them.

SEO­mat­ic works auto­mat­i­cal­ly with Craft Com­merce 2 & Sol­space Cal­en­dar as well, pro­vid­ing meta­da­ta, JSON-LD struc­tured data, and sitemaps for your Prod­ucts & Events.

Link Robust Twig API

SEO­mat­ic can work ful­ly with­out any Twig tem­plat­ing code at all. How­ev­er, it pro­vides a robust API that you can tap into from your Twig tem­plates should you desire to do so.

SEO­mat­ic makes a glob­al seomatic vari­able avail­able in your Twig tem­plates that allows you to work with the SEO­mat­ic vari­ables and functions.