Similar Changelog.

Link 1.1.7 · 2024.06.20

fixed - 2024.06.20

  • Fixed an issue where toArray() was done recursively on the passed in $critera, which turned objects into sub-arrays in orderBy and other properties, causing a DB error (#51) (#50)

Link 1.1.6 · 2024.04.28

added - 2024.04.28

  • Added ServicesTrait for the plugin service component registration
  • Add phpstan and ecs code linting
  • Add code-analysis.yaml GitHub action

changed - 2024.04.28

  • Updated docs to use node 20 & a new sitemap plugin
  • PHPstan code cleanup
  • ECS code cleanup

fixed - 2024.04.28

  • Fixed an issue where an exception would be thrown if orderBy was null (#49)

Link 1.1.5 · 2021.06.03

changed - 2021.06.03

  • If orderBy criteria is omitted, entries are now sorted by the number of relations in common. (
  • Switch to VitePress for documentation
  • Updated Makefile to use node-14-alpine

Link 1.1.4 · 2021.03.27

changed - 2021.03.27

  • Move settings from the composer.json “extra” to the plugin main class

Link 1.1.3 · 2021.03.27

fixed - 2021.03.27

  • Fixed an issue with using RAND() in the sort criteria (

Link 1.1.2 · 2021.03.23

fixed - 2021.03.23

  • Fixed an SQL error related to even stricter GROUP BY rules.
  • Fixed an error where using a tag field that had no matches on other elements could return a random set of entries. (

Link 1.1.1 · 2021.03.11

fixed - 2021.03.11

  • Ensure that the key in $similarCount exists before referencing it

Link 1.1.0 · 2021.03.05

added - 2021.03.05

  • Added buildchain for docs

changed - 2021.03.05

  • Similar elements are now fetched with the eager-loading conditions intact that were set on the criteria object. (
  • Similar elements are now searched in the source element site only by default.
  • Similar plugin now requires at least Craft CMS 3.2.0.

fixed - 2021.03.05

  • Fix an SQL error related to stricter GROUP BY rules. (
  • Fix an SQL error that could occur if no structure data was selected for entries. (

Link 1.0.6 · 2019-04-20

changed - 2019-04-20

  • Add structureelements.structureId to GROUP BY clause

Link 1.0.5 · 2019-01-05

changed - 2019-01-05

  • Fix SQL error: Unknown column structureelements.lft in 'group statement for Products

Link 1.0.4 · 2018-10-08

changed - 2018-10-08

  • Only try to fetch elements if SQL query returns an id
  • Update GROUP BY clause in SELECT queries to ensure they are compatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

Link 1.0.3 · 2018-08-04

changed - 2018-08-04

  • Fixed a regression of the returned query results

Link 1.0.2 · 2018-07-21

changed - 2018-07-21

  • Fixed an issue that errantly prefixed the sub-query with the table name

Link 1.0.1 · 2018-07-21

changed - 2018-07-21

  • Added grouping to the sub-query to ensure that it returns the correct number of results
  • Moved the anonymous function EVENT_AFTER_PREPARE event handler to a named function to avoid serialization errors in cache tags
  • Optimizations and code cleanup

Link 1.0.0 · 2018-01-16

added - 2018-01-16

  • Initial release

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