Typogrify Changelog.

Link 1.1.23 · 2024.06.18

added - 2024.06.18

  • Added ServicesTrait for the plugin service component registration

Link 1.1.22 · 2024.03.27

fixed - 2024.03.27

  • Fixed a regression that happened when modernizing the default_escape functionality (#86)

Link 1.1.21 · 2024.03.27

added - 2024.03.27

  • Add phpstan and ecs code linting
  • Add code-analysis.yaml GitHub action

changed - 2024.03.27

  • Updated docs to use node 20 & a new sitemap plugin
  • PHPstan code cleanup
  • ECS code cleanup

Link 1.1.20 · 2022.11.27

changed - 2022.11.27

  • Switch to VitePress ^1.0.0-alpha.29 for the documentation
  • Add the correct Algolia keys for the doc search functionality
  • Add allow-plugins to the composer.json to enable CI to work

Link 1.1.19 · 2022.02.22

added - 2022.02.22

  • Add .gitattributes & CODEOWNERS

changed - 2022.02.22

  • Switched documentation system to VitePress
  • Use Textlint for the documentation
  • Build documentation automatically via GitHub action

Link 1.1.18 · 2019.04.30

changed - 2019.04.30

  • Fixed an issue where wordLimit turns "à" characters into "�"
  • Updated Twig namespacing to be compliant with deprecated class aliases in 2.7.x

Link 1.1.17 · 2019.03.20

changed - 2019.03.20

  • Fixed an issue where wordLimit always appended the ellipsis, regardless of whether truncation happened or not
  • Allow for escaping inputs by default

Link 1.1.16 · 2018.11.08

changed - 2018.11.08

  • Fixed an issue with pluralize and singularize not respecting the $number passed in

Link 1.1.15 · 2018.10.09

changed - 2018.10.09

  • Allow null to be passed in to the various filters
  • Once again, revert to not auto-escaping text that is passed in

Link 1.1.14 · 2018.10.05

changed - 2018.10.05

  • Refactored the Twig Extension to use the same methods that the Variable does
  • Normalize text passed in by escaping untrusted strings

Link 1.1.13 · 2018.10.05

changed - 2018.10.05

  • Reverted \Twig_Markup regression; added a note to the docs

Link 1.1.12 · 2018.10.04

changed - 2018.10.04

  • Fixed an issue where Typogrify could return a \Twig_Markup from unsafe input

Link 1.1.11 · 2018.06.12

added - 2018.06.12

  • Added wordLimit Twig filter/function that truncates a string by the number of words to a given length

Link 1.1.10 · 2018.04.25

added - 2018.04.25

  • Added the ability to set the the maximum number of words considered for dewidowing

Link 1.1.9 · 2018.03.20

changed - 2018.03.20

  • Fixed the singularize service method to properly singularize words

Link 1.1.8 · 2018.03.12

added - 2018.03.12

  • Fix the getPhpTypographySettings() Twig function to be named correctly

Link 1.1.7 · 2018.02.01

added - 2018.02.01

  • Renamed the composer package name to craft-typogrify

Link 1.1.6 · 2018.01.21

added - 2018.01.21

  • Added the typogrifyFeed filter/function for RSS feeds
  • Added an optional isTitle (defaulting to false) for the typogrify filter

changed - 2018.01.21

  • Code comments/cleanup

Link 1.1.5 · 2018.01.06

changed - 2018.01.06

  • Updated to php-typography ^6.0.0

Link 1.1.4 · 2017.12.08

changed - 2017.12.08

  • Set set_french_punctuation_spacing to false by default to avoid spaces before punctuation

Link 1.1.3 · 2017.12.06

added - 2017.12.06

  • Added truncate, truncateOnWord, and stringy text manipulation functions

changed - 2017.12.06

  • Updated to require craftcms/cms ^3.0.0-RC1
  • Switched to Craft::$app->view->registerTwigExtension to register the Twig extension

Link 1.1.2 · 2017-11-14

changed - 2017-11-14

  • singularize and pluralize now both accept an optional number parameter
  • humanFileSize now defaults to 1000 as the unit of measure, with nicer looking human abbreviations

Link 1.1.1 · 2017-11-06

added - 2017-11-06

  • Added humanDuration() and humanRelativeTime()

Link 1.1.0 · 2017-11-05

added - 2017-11-05

  • Added humanFileSize() to convert bytes to a human readable number, e.g.: 1024 becomes 1K
  • Added a number of useful inflector functions such as pluralize(), singularize(), transliterate(), etc.
  • Added a Variable so you can use craft.typogrify.smartypants, etc. if you wish

changed - 2017-11-05

  • Code cleanup

Link 1.0.3 · 2017-10-19

changed - 2017-10-19

  • Set set_ignore_parser_errors to true to make it more lenient at parsing invalid HTML from Redactor
  • Synced up the config.php and Settings model with the updated php-typography lib

Link 1.0.2 · 2017-10-18

changed - 2017-10-18

  • Switched to the more modern and maintained mundschenk-at/php-typography package

Link 1.0.1 · 2017-10-16

changed - 2017-10-16

  • Switched to nystudio107\PhpTypography to avoid minimum-stability issues

Link 1.0.0 · 2017-10-14

added - 2017-10-14

  • Initial release