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Configuring Instant Analytics GA4

Once you have installed Instant Analytics GA4, you’ll see a welcome screen. Click on Get Started to configure Instant Analytics GA4:

  • Google Analytics Measurement ID: Enter your Google Analytics GA4 Measurement ID here. Only enter the ID, for example: G-XXXXXXXXX, not the entire script code.
  • Google Analytics Measurement API Secret: Enter your Google Analytics Measurement API secret here.
  • Auto Send PageViews: If this setting is on, a PageView will automatically be sent to Google after a every page is rendered. If it is off, you’ll need to send it manually using {% hook 'iaSendPageView' %}
  • Strip Query String from PageView URLs: If this setting is on, the query string will be stripped from PageView URLs before being sent to Google Analytics. For example: /some/path?token=1235312 would be sent as just /some/path
  • Auto Send "Add To Cart" Events: If this setting is on, Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce events are automatically sent when an item is added to your Craft Commerce cart.
  • Auto Send "Remove From Cart" Events: If this setting is on, Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce events are automatically sent when an item is removed from your Craft Commerce cart.
  • Auto Send "Purchase Complete" Events: If this setting is on, Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce events are automatically sent a purchase is completed.
  • Commerce Product Category Field: Choose the field in your Product or Variant field layout that should be used for the product’s Category field for Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce
  • Commerce Product Brand Field Choose the field in your Product or Variant field layout that should be used for the product’s Brand field for Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce

NOTE: Instant Analytics GA4 will work with the traditional Google Analytics Tracking Code JavaScript tag; it’s not an either/or, they can coexist. Instant Analytics GA4 is just a different way to send the same data to Google Analytics.

However, to prevent duplicate data from being sent, if you use Instant Analytics GA4 to send PageView data, you should turn off the JavaScript sending PageViews automatically by:

  • In SEOmatic turn off Automatically send Google Analytics PageView
  • If you don’t use SEOmatic, follow the instructions here.

Then you can still use the gtag() calls to send events to Google Analytics. Or, if you don’t send events via Javascript, you can just remove the Google Analytics tag/JavaScript from your page entirely.

In addition, to ensure that the data is tracked under a uniform usersession in the Google Analytics backend, you should have the Require GA Cookie clientId setting on (which is the default). This causes Instant Analytics GA4 to not send any analytics data unless it has received a clientId from the frontend GA cookie.

Customizing via the config.php file

Instant Analytics GA4 has a number of other configuration options that can be customized on a per-environment basis via the config.php file. Don’t edit this file, instead copy it to craft/config as instantanalytics.php (rename it) and make your changes there.

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