
Web per­for­mance mon­i­tor­ing via Real User Measurement

Webperf helps you build & main­tain high qual­i­ty web­sites through Real User Mea­sure­ment of your web­site’s performance

Link Pass the RUM

Webperf uses Real User Mea­sure­ment (RUM) cap­tured anony­mous­ly from actu­al vis­i­tors to your web­site to pro­file its per­for­mance. In this way, Webperf pas­sive­ly gath­ers and mon­i­tors how your web­site per­forms on real-world devices used by real-world users.

Webperf also gath­ers Craft spe­cif­ic infor­ma­tion such as data­base queries, Twig ren­der­ing time, mem­o­ry used, and over­all TTFB (Time To First Byte) per­for­mance tim­ings. Webperf will also record any front JavaScript errors as well as Craft CMS errors in one place for ease of discovery.

Link Insightful Graphs & Tables

Webperf then presents this per­for­mance infor­ma­tion in con­cise graphs that give you insight into how your web­site per­forms. Webperf even pro­vides you with bul­let-point­ed rec­om­men­da­tions on how you can fix any per­for­mance prob­lems that are found. And per­for­mance affects con­ver­sions as well as user experience.

Webperf lever­ages the the per­for­mance pro­fil­ing that web browsers & Craft CMS already do. It has been opti­mized to min­i­mize the Observ­er Effect, col­lect­ing data with­out impact­ing performance.

Link Error Tracking

Webperf will record both fron­tend JavaScript errors, as well as back­end Craft errors in one place to make it easy to see where things go wrong.

The Aggre­gate Page Errors His­to­ry chart shows you the his­to­ry of errors for all of your pages on your web­site. Craft errors are in red, and JavaScript errors are in green.

The Aggre­gate Page Errors table lists all of the pages that have errors logged. The table is full search­able and sortable by click­ing on the col­umn headings.

It sure beats sift­ing through log files.