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JSON-LD Meta Object Functions

The seomatic.jsonLd functions make it easier to create, manipulate, and render valid JSON-LD microdata.

  • seomatic.jsonLd.get(META_HANDLE) – Returns the JSON-LD meta object of the handle META_HANDLE or null if it is not found.
  • seomatic.jsonLd.create() – Creates a JSON-LD meta object from an array of key-value properties. The type can be any of the types.
  • seomatic.jsonLd.add(META_OBJECT) – Adds the META_OBJECT to the JSON-LD container to be rendered.
  • seomatic.jsonLd.render() – Renders all of the JSON-LD meta objects to your template. Only necessary if you’ve disabled Automatic Render in Plugin Settings.
  • seomatic.jsonLd.container() – Returns the container that holds an array of all of the JSON-LD meta objects.

JSON-LD Meta Object Examples:

Create a new Article JSON-LD meta object:

{% set myJsonLd = seomatic.jsonLd.create({
  'type': 'Article',
  'name': 'Some Blog',
  'url': '',
}) %}

Get the existing MainEntityOfPage as set in the Global SEO or Content SEO control panel section to modify it ( mainEntityOfPage):

{% set mainEntity = seomatic.jsonLd.get('mainEntityOfPage') %}

To add something to the existing MainEntityOfPage (in this case an Offer), you can do it like this:

{% set mainEntity = seomatic.jsonLd.get('mainEntityOfPage') %}

{% set offersJsonLd = seomatic.jsonLd.create({
  'type': 'Offer',
  'name': 'Some prop',
  'url': 'Some url',
}, false) %}

{% do mainEntity.offers(offersJsonLd) %}

The , false parameter tells it to create the JSON-LD object, but to not automatically add it to the JSON-LD container. We do this because we don’t want it rendered on its own, we want it as part of the existing mainEntityOfPage JSON-LD object.

Get the existing BreadcrumbList as generated automatically by SEOmatic to modify them ( BreadcrumbList):

{% set crumbs = seomatic.jsonLd.get('breadcrumbList') %}

Display the breadcrumbs on the page:

{% set crumbList = seomatic.jsonLd.get('breadcrumbList').itemListElement %}
{% for crumb in crumbList %}
    <a href="{{ crumb.item }}">{{ }}</a>
    {% if not loop.last %}&raquo;{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

To replace the existing BreadcrumbList on a page:

{% set crumbList = seomatic.jsonLd.create({
  'type': 'BreadcrumbList',
  'name': 'Breadcrumbs',
  'description': 'Breadcrumbs list',
  'itemListElement': [
      'type': 'ListItem',
      'position': 1,
      'name': 'Homepage',
      'item': ''
      'type': 'ListItem',
      'position': 2,
      'name': 'Our blog',
      'item': ''
      'type': 'ListItem',
      'position': 3,
      'name': 'Technology blogs',
      'item': ''
}) %}

Use key to create a schema element and propagate it. Propagate SiteNavigationElement:

{% for nav in navigationMenu %}
  {% do seomatic.jsonLd.create({
    'key': 'navItem' ~ nav.title,
    'type': 'SiteNavigationElement',
    'name': nav.title,
    'url': nav.url
  }) %}
{% endfor %}

Get the existing Identity as set in the Site Settings control panel section to modify it:

{% set identity = seomatic.jsonLd.get('identity') %}

Let’s say you want to add a Brand to the Identity, you’d do this:

{% set identity = seomatic.jsonLd.get('identity') %}

{% set brand = seomatic.jsonLd.create({
  'type': 'Brand',
  'name': 'Some prop',
  'url': 'Some url',
}, false) %}

{% do identity.brand(brand) %}

The , false parameter tells it to create the JSON-LD object, but to not automatically add it to the JSON-LD container. We do this because we don’t want it rendered on its own, we want it as part of the existing mainEntityOfPage JSON-LD object.

Get the existing Creator as set in the Site Settings control panel section to modify it:

{% set identity = seomatic.jsonLd.get('creator') %}