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Advanced Usage

Console Command

Retour has a built-in retour/stats/trim console command that allows you to manually trim the Statistics database table:

vagrant@homestead ~/sites/craft3 $ ./craft retour/stats/trim
Trimming statistics
Trimmed 0 from retour_stats table

This will trim the retour_stats table so that it has only the number of statistics in the table as you’ve specified via the Statistics to Store Setting.

When the retour_stats table is trimmed, it sorts the statistics by the Last Hit time, and only trims the oldest statistics.

Normally this is done automatically when a new statistic is recored, but for high traffic sites that are constantly hit by bots, you might want to do it manually at regular intervals.

You can also pass in an optional --limit to override the Statistics to Store Setting, and trim to a specified number of statistics:

vagrant@homestead ~/sites/craft3 $ ./craft retour/stats/trim --limit=1
Trimming statistics
Trimmed 2 from retour_stats table

Utility Functions

craft.retour.getHttpStatus in your templates will return the HTTP Status code for the current template, so you can display a special message for people who end up on a page via a 301 or 302 redirect.

Redirect Events

Retour throws several Redirect events, in case you want to listen for them in your custom plugin/module, or use them in conjunction with the Webhooks plugin.

beforeSaveRedirect is the event that is triggered before the redirect is saved. You may set [[RedirectEvent::isValid]] to false to prevent the redirect from getting saved:

use nystudio107\retour\services\Redirects;
use nystudio107\retour\events\RedirectEvent;

     function(RedirectEvent $event) {
         // potentially set $event->isValid;

afterSaveRedirect is the event that is triggered after the redirect is saved.

use nystudio107\retour\services\Redirects;
use nystudio107\retour\events\RedirectEvent;

     function(RedirectEvent $event) {
         // the redirect was saved

beforeDeleteRedirect is the event that is triggered before the redirect is deleted. You may set [[RedirectEvent::isValid]] to false to prevent the redirect from getting deleted:

use nystudio107\retour\services\Redirects;
use nystudio107\retour\events\RedirectEvent;

     function(RedirectEvent $event) {
         // potentially set $event->isValid;

afterDeleteRedirect is the event that is triggered after the redirect is deleted.

use nystudio107\retour\services\Redirects;
use nystudio107\retour\events\RedirectEvent;

     function(RedirectEvent $event) {
         // the redirect was deleted

beforeSaveEntryRedirect is the event that is triggered before an Entry redirect is automatically saved when an Entry’s URI is changed (assuming the Create Entry Redirects setting is enabled). You may set [[RedirectEvent::isValid]] to false to prevent the redirect from getting saved.

use nystudio107\retour\services\Events;
use nystudio107\retour\events\RedirectEvent;

    function(RedirectEvent $event) {
        // potentially set $event->isValid;

The RedirectEvent has the following read-only properties that you can use for informational purposes:

     * @var bool Whether the redirect is brand new
    public $isNew = false;

     * @var string The old URL
    public $legacyUrl;

     * @var string The new URL
    public $destinationUrl;

     * @var string The type of matching done on the legacyUrl
    public $matchType;

     * @var string The type of redirect
    public $redirectType;

     * @var null|int The siteId of the redirect (0 or null for all sites).
    public $siteId;

Resolve Redirect Events

Retour throws several Resolve Redirect events, in case you want to listen for them in your custom plugin/module, or use them in conjunction with the Webhooks plugin.

beforeResolveRedirect The event that is triggered before Retour has attempted to resolve redirects. You may set [[ResolveRedirectEvent::redirectDestUrl]] to the URL that it should redirect to, or null if no redirect should happen:

use nystudio107\retour\services\Redirects;
use nystudio107\retour\events\ResolveRedirectEvent;

    function(ResolveRedirectEvent $event) {
        // potentially set $event->redirectDestUrl;

afterResolveRedirect The event that is triggered after Retour has attempted to resolve redirects. You may set [[ResolveRedirectEvent::redirectDestUrl]] to the URL that it should redirect to, or null if no redirect should happen:

use nystudio107\retour\services\Redirects;
use nystudio107\retour\events\ResolveRedirectEvent;

    function(ResolveRedirectEvent $event) {
        // potentially set $event->redirectDestUrl;

The ResolveRedirectEvent has the following read-only properties that you can use to attempt to match purposes:

     * @var string The full URL including hostname & protocol of the 404'd request
    public $fullUrl;

     * @var string The path of the 404'd request
    public $pathOnly;

The ResolveRedirectEvent has the following properties that you can set:

     * @var null|string The URL that should be redirected to or null if no redirect
     *                  should take place
    public $redirectDestUrl = null;

     * @var int The http status code for this redirect; see
    public $redirectHttpCode = 301;

If your plugin/module wishes to cause a redirect, it should set the $redirectDestUrl property to the URL it wants to redirect to.

Redirect Resolved events

Retour will throw an event once it has successfully resolved a redirect, allowing your custom plugin/module to potentially modify where it redirects to despite the redirect being resolved fully.

RedirectResolvedEvent is the event that is triggered once Retour has resolved a redirect. [[RedirectResolvedEvent::redirect]] will be set to the redirect that was resolved. You may set [[RedirectResolvedEvent::redirectDestUrl]] to to a different URL that it should redirect to, or leave it null if the redirect should happen as resolved.

use nystudio107\retour\services\Redirects;
use nystudio107\retour\events\RedirectResolvedEvent;

    function(RedirectResolvedEvent $event) {
        // potentially set $event->redirectDestUrl;

Custom Match Functions via Plugin

The patterns mentioned below still work, but are deprecated. It’s recommend that you use the Resolve Redirect Events mentioned above.

Retour allows you to implement a custom matching function via plugin, if the Exact and regular expression matching are not sufficient for your purposes.

In your main plugin class file, simply add this function:

 * retourMatch gives your plugin a chance to use whatever custom logic is needed for URL redirection.  You are passed
 * in an array that contains the details of the redirect.  Do whatever matching logic, then return true if is a
 * matched, false if it is not.
 * You can alter the 'redirectDestUrl' to change what URL they should be redirected to, as well as the 'redirectHttpCode'
 * to change the type of redirect.  None of the changes made are saved in the database.
 * @param mixed An array of arguments that define the redirect
 *            $args = array(
 *                'redirect' => array(
 *                    'id' => the id of the redirect record in the retour_redirects table
 *                    'associatedElementId' => the id of the entry if this is a Dynamic Entry Redirect; 0 otherwise
 *                    'redirectSrcUrl' => the legacy URL as entered by the user
 *                    'redirectSrcUrlParsed' => the redirectSrcUrl after it has been parsed as a micro template for {variables}
 *                        via renderObjectTemplate().  This is typically what you would want to match against.
 *                    'redirectMatchType' => the type of match; this will be set to your plugin's ClassHandle
 *                    'redirectDestUrl' => the destination URL for the entry this redirect is associated with, or the
 *                        destination URL that was manually entered by the user
 *                    'redirectHttpCode' => the redirect HTTP code (typically 301 or 302)
 *                    'hitCount' => the number of times this redirect has been matched, and the redirect done in the browser
 *                    'hitLastTime' => the date and time of the when this redirect was matched
 *                    'locale' => the locale of this redirect
 *                )
 *            );
 * @return bool Return true if it's a match, false otherwise
public function retourMatch($args)
    return true;

Your plugin will then appear in the list of Pattern Match Types that can be chosen from via Retour->Redirects.

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