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Helper Functions

The seomatic.helper functions are utilities that can help with pagination, previews, and preparing text and Assets.

  • seomatic.helper.paginate(PAGEINFO) – Given the PAGEINFO variable from the {% paginate %} tag as described here, this will properly set the canonicalUrl, as well as adding the <link rel='prev'> and <link rel='next'> tags for you.
  • seomatic.helper.isPreview() – Returns true if the current request is a preview, false if it is not.
  • seomatic.helper.sameAsByHandle(HANDLE) – Returns an array of information about the Same As URLs site specified in HANDLE. Here’s an example of the information in the returned array:
    array (size=4)
      'siteName' => string 'Twitter'
      'handle' => string 'twitter'
      'url' => string ''
      'account' => string 'nystudio107'
  • seomatic.helper.truncate(TEXT, LENGTH, SUBSTR) – Truncates the TEXT to a given LENGTH. If SUBSTR is provided, and truncating occurs, the string is further truncated so that the substring may be appended without exceeding the desired length.
  • seomatic.helper.truncateOnWord(TEXT, LENGTH, SUBSTR) – Truncates the TEXT to a given LENGTH, while ensuring that it does not split words. If SUBSTR is provided, and truncating occurs, the string is further truncated so that the substring may be appended without exceeding the desired length.
  • seomatic.helper.getLocalizedUrls(URI, SITE_ID) – Return a list of localized URLs for a given URI that are in the SITE_ID site’s group. Both URI and SITE_ID are optional, and will use the current request’s URI and the current site’s SITE_ID if omitted.
  • seomatic.helper.loadMetadataForUri(URI, SITE_ID) – Load the appropriate meta containers for the given URI and optional SITE_ID.
  • seomatic.helper.sitemapIndexForSiteId(SITE_ID) – Get the URL to the SITE_IDs sitemap index
  • seomatic.helper.extractTextFromField(FIELD) – Extract plain text from a PlainText, Redactor, CKEdtior, Tags, Matrix, or Neo field.
  • seomatic.helper.extractKeywords(TEXT, LIMIT) – Extract up to LIMIT most important keywords from TEXT.
  • seomatic.helper.extractSummary(TEXT) – Extract the most important 3 sentences from TEXT.
  • seomatic.helper.socialTransform(ASSET, TRANSFORMNAME) – Transform the ASSET (either an Asset or an Asset ID) for social media sites in TRANSFORMNAME; valid values are base, facebook, twitter-summary, and twitter-large.
  • seomatic.helper.seoFileLink(FILE_URL, ROBOTS, CANONICAL, INLINE) – Generates a link to a local or remote file that allows you to set the X-Robots-Tag header via ROBOTS (defaults to all) and Link canonical header via CANONICAL (defaults to '') as per Advanced rel="canonical" HTTP Headers. INLINE controls whether the file will be displayed inline or downloaded. If any values are empty '', the headers will not be included.
  • seomatic.helper.sanitizeUserInput(TEXT) – Sanitize the TEXT by decoding any HTML Entities, URL decoding the text, then removing any newlines, stripping HTML tags, stripping Twig tags, and changing single {}'s into ()'s.