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Tag Meta Object Functions

The seomatic.tag functions are for working with <meta> tags.

  • seomatic.tag.get(META_HANDLE) – Returns the Tag meta object of the handle META_HANDLE or null if it is not found.
  • seomatic.tag.create() – Creates a Tag meta object from an array of key-value properties.
  • seomatic.tag.add(META_OBJECT) – Adds the META_OBJECT to the Tag container to be rendered.
  • seomatic.tag.render() – Renders all of the Tag meta objects to your template. Only necessary if you’ve disabled Automatic Render in Plugin Settings.
  • seomatic.tag.container() – Returns the container that holds an array of all of the Tag meta objects.

Tag Meta Object Examples

Change the <meta name="twitter:title">:

{% do seomatic.tag.get("twitter:title").content("Hello, world") %}

Note that you can achieve the same result with:

{% do seomatic.meta.twitterTitle("Hello, world") %}

...since the twitterTitle populates the <meta name="twitter:title"> Tag meta object by default.

Let’s say you didn’t want Google et al to index a particular page or under certain conditions. You could do this:

{% do seomatic.tag.get("robots").content("none") %}

Note that you can achieve the same result with:

{% do seomatic.meta.robots("none") %}

...since the robots populates the <meta name="robots"> Tag meta object by default.

You can have multiple Open Graph tags of the same time, for example og:image:

{% set ogImage = seomatic.tag.get('og:image') %}
{% do ogImage.content([
]) %}

...and it’ll generate a tag for each image:

<meta content="" property="og:image">
<meta content="" property="og:image">